What can nerves do to your body?

Everything has a “feel” to it. You know how things feel because you have nerves over every inch of your body. When something touches you, even lightly, it presses one or more nerves in your skin. The nerves carry a message to your brain, and your brain tells you how the thing feels.

Each nerve in your skin has a certain job. You have nerves for pressure, heat, cold, and pain. If you scrape your leg, the nerves for pain tell your brain, “That hurts!”

Some parts of your body are more sensitive to touch than others. For example, your tongue and finger tips are very sensitive. In your more sensitive areas, nerves are closer together than they are in less sensitive parts. The nerves in your fingers are very close together. That is why your fingers are so good at feeling things.

Your back is not as sensitive as your fingertips. That’s because the nerves in your back are further apart than the nerves in your fingers. See for yourself. Ask a friend to touch your back with two unsharpened pencils at the same time, first close together and then further apart. It will feel as if your friend is using only one pencil until the two pencils are quite far apart.

Picture Credit : Google

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