How long is a newborn a newborn?

A baby is called a newborn for about a month after birth. A newborn baby spends most of the time sleeping. The head makes up about a quarter of a newborn baby. Look at baby pictures of people in your family. Can you tell how big a baby’s head is compared to the rest of the body?

Most things newborn babies do just happen. They do not need to think about doing them. They can suck, swallow, move their arms and legs, and cry. But they cannot sit up, crawl, or walk yet. Newborn babies can’t even hold their heads up. Their neck muscles are not strong enough.

Newborn babies can tell when it is dark or light, and they can see things in front of them. They can also hear, and they quickly learn to recognise their parent’s voice.

During the first year of life, babies change in many ways. They learn to hold up their heads. They learn to roll over, sit, crawl, and stand. Their bodies become much bigger and stronger.

If you have a baby pictures of yourself, take a look at them. How have you changed?

Crying is the beginning of language for a person. It is the only way newborn babies can tell people how they feel. They cry to let people know they are hungry, tired, or need a nappy change.

Picture Credit : Google

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