What exercise should children do every day?

Go ahead-run, jump, skip, climb! Not only is it fun, it’s good for you, too. Your body parts need exercise to stay healthy.

There are different kinds of exercises. Some building your muscles. Some strengthen your heart and lungs. A strong heart and lungs are better at getting oxygen to the rest of your body. Exercises that build your muscles include climbing ropes and wall bars. You can also try handstand contests, walking on your hands, walking on all fours, and doing push-ups while on your knees.

Walking, running, swimming, skipping, playing saucer, dancing, and cycling are all aerobic exercises. They help make your heart and lungs strong. What is your favourite aerobic exercise? Try it for at least 20 minutes, and you can feel your heartbeat faster.

Get fit and you will be ready for anything-a sports game, a busy day, and a healthy life.

Before you exercise, warm up your body. Warm muscles stretch more easily and are less likely to get hurt. Walk, slowly skip, or gently jog on the spot. These activities increase the blood flow to your muscles. Do these again at the end of exercising. This lets your body cool down slowly.

Picture Credit : Google

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