Why should we look after your teeth?

There is a war going on inside your mouth. The enemy is plaque, sticky white coating that grows on teeth. Plaque destroys the outside of teeth by sending out an army of acids. It sends poisons into the gums.

How can you fight back? The handiest weapon you have is your toothbrush. Brush with small, round movements to clean the outside of your teeth. Then move the toothbrush up and down to clear away the plaque between your teeth. To hold back plaque, your dentist may also tell you to floss your teeth at least once a day.

You also can help your teeth by choosing healthy foods. The more often you eat sugary things, the worse it is for your teeth. As soon as something sugary is around, plaque sends out a new army of acids. The more often you eat sweets, the more acid you have to fight. That’s why dentists suggest that you eat snacks such as fruit and vegetables.

If you do eat sugary things, eat them at mealtimes and brush your teeth soon afterwards. Try to avoid sweet foods that stick your teeth, such as sugary cereals and mints.

Picture Credit : Google

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