Which is an insect that is capable of turning its head all the way back?

A praying mantis is the only insect that can turn its head and look over its shoulders. It has a triangular head with bulging eyes. It can turn its head 180 degrees to monitor its surroundings for prey. The praying mantis is so called because while at rest its prominent forelegs are folded and clasped suggesting a praying posture.

Typically green or brown and well camouflaged on the plants among which they live, mantis lie in ambush or patiently stalk their quarry. They use their front legs to snare their prey with reflexes so quick that they are difficult to see with the naked eye. Their legs are further equipped with spikes for snaring prey and pinning it in place.

Moths, crickets, grasshoppers, flies, and other insects are usually the unfortunate recipients of unwanted mantid attention. However, the insects will also eat others of their own kind. The most famous example of this is the notorious mating behavior of the adult female, who sometimes eats her mate just after—or even during—mating. Yet this behavior seems not to deter males from reproduction.

Females regularly lay hundreds of eggs in a small case, and nymphs hatch looking much like tiny versions of their parents.

Picture Credit : Google

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