How were the student years of Thomas Alva Edison?

Edison did not have an easy time as a student. He was hyper- active and easily distracted, and the teacher considered him as ‘difficult’. He had a hearing problem and kept on asking questions. His bad-tempered teacher found this annoying, and told his mother Nancy that the boy had a confused mind.

The teacher’s impression was that he was stupid. Nancy, however, knew that he wasn’t, and took him out of school. He had spent just twelve weeks at the public school in Michigan. Outside the bounds of the school, the ever-curious mind of little Edison soared high. He showed great interest in reading books on a wide range of subjects. It was like opening up a wide curriculum of his own, in which Edison developed a wonderful process of self-education.

Young Edison showed a special talent in making things. When he was nine, Edison’s favourite book was one on science experiments. His mother allowed him to set up a laboratory in the cellar of the house. He made a simple form of the telegraph a year later, stringing wires from trees to a friend’s house. He also made small steam engines that rattled, and sometimes exploded, too.

Picture Credit : Google

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