What are the fun facts of bird of paradise?

A bird of paradise is a member of the family Paradisaeidae found in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia. They are known for their striking colours and bright plumage.

Depending on the species, the colours may be yellow, blue, scarlet, or green.

Males often sport vibrant elongated feathers, which are known as wires or streamers. Some even have enormous head plumes or other distinctive ornaments.

Most males perform complex courtship displays to attract potential female mates.

It eats fruits, insects and sometimes frogs and reptiles.

The 42 species of birds of paradise look very different from each other, and they also also sound very different from each other. But researchers are only beginning to investigate their calls in detail. The sounds they make run the gamut from basic squawks, to seemingly mechanical noises, to melodious whistles, to sounds that don’t involve their voices at all.

Birds of paradise tend to be solitary birds and only come together to mate.

Picture Credit : Google

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