What is the habitat of fossa?

Endemic to Madagascar, fossas are found throughout the island, though in the Central Highlands, it is only in certain areas, like the Andringitra Massif. This species inhabits all forested areas on Madagascar, from mountainous areas down to the coastal lowlands.

The fossa is a nocturnal and solitary mammal that patrols a territory as extensive as four square kilometers, marking its presence with scent from its anal gland. It spends most of its time high in the trees but does move about and hunt down on the ground too. These animals are remarkably agile at both leaping and climbing, with great help from their long, slender tail. Because they move from place to place on their flat soles, this gives them more stability and balance when making precarious landings on branches. Although largely nocturnal, fossas also hunt in the day, especially when food is scarce, but usually they rest during the day in a cave, hollow tree, or abandoned termite mound.

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