What is the meaning of ancient American Civilization?


Until the arrival of European invaders in the 16th century, complex and powerful civilizations flourished in the Americas. From 250 to 900 CE, the Mayan kingdoms of Central America built cities with huge stone temples, and developed systems of mathematics and astronomy. From the 14th century, the mighty Aztec empire built pyramid temples and made sacrifices to their sun god. In the 15th century, the Inca Empire stretched for more than 3,200 km (2,000 miles) along the Pacific coast of South America, with a network of roads and fortress cities high in the Andes Mountains.


The Aztec, Inca, and Mayan civilizations were all based on farming. The most important food crop was maize (or corn), used to make pancakes, called tortillas, and beer. As well as farming the land, people had to serve their rulers as soldiers, builders, or labourers.


American people made pots by rolling clay into long strips, which they coiled to make the walls of their vessels. Pottery served both a practical purpose, such as carrying liquids and boiling food, and a decorative one.


The Aztecs and Mayans worshipped many gods and goddesses, whose statues they kept in pyramid temples. They believed that the gods made the sun rise in the morning, the rain fall, and the crops grow. For the Incas, the Sun, Moon, and Earth were themselves gods. Inti, the sun god, was the most important of them.


These civilizations had various ways of keeping records. The Aztecs used a picture writing system, with pictures standing for words and ideas. The Maya had a more complex system, with signs standing for sounds. The Incas did not write, but kept records using lengths of knotted string, called quipus.


People believed that the gods needed to be given offerings to ensure their continued goodwill. The most precious offering was human life, and the Aztecs, Maya, and Incas all practised human sacrifice. The Aztecs and Maya went to war to capture prisoners, whose hearts were offered to the gods.

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