Which nasty letter arrives in a red envelope and reads out the message in loudly?

A Howler is a nasty letter sent to tell someone off. It arrives in a red envelope, smoking slightly. It must be opened immediately or it explodes. Upon opening, the Howler screams at the recipient in a voice magically magnified for maximum effect.

The purpose of the Howler is to deliver a message expressing anger or great displeasure in a manner which standard writing cannot adequately convey.

Instead of simply being a red envelope that can explode, in the film version of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Ron’s Howler resembles a mouth with teeth (simulated by the red envelope and white paper, with a ribbon for the tongue) that loudly conveys its message to the recipient, then blows a raspberry and tears itself to shreds once it has finished scolding the recipient. Also, Mrs. Weasley added a congratulation directly to Ginny for making into Gryffindor, stating that her parents are proud of this sorting. This implies that the film version’s Howler possesses a certain degree of sentience and awareness of it’s suroundings, as it turned to face Ginny to make this comment, changing its tone into a more calm and kind one.

Picture Credit : Google

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