Who was Eugenie Clark?

Eugenie Clark, American ichthyologist noted for her research on poisonous fishes of the tropical seas and on the behaviour of sharks. She was also an avid marine conservationist.

While diving, Clark studied animal behavior and visited places very few people had explored, such as the Red Sea. There she discovered several fish species, including one that releases a natural shark repellant when threatened. Known as the Moses sole, the fish makes hungry sharks not only stop in their tracks, but then proceed to thrash their heads from side to side. Clark studied potential human uses for the repellant, but found that it would not be effective long enough to be useful in products like sunscreen. 

At the laboratory, Clark was able to further engage the public. She spent a good amount of time teaching about sharks, and tried to clear them of their bad reputation. She gave lectures to the public, taught at the University of Maryland, and even rode on the back of a 50-foot whale shark (we don’t recommend following her example on this one!). She didn’t slow down either, completing her last dive at 92 years old, the year before she died.

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