What are the major political revolutions that took place in the modern era?

The modern era witnessed some of the major political revolutions world-wide. The American Revolution, French Revolution, Haitian Revolution, Chinese Revolution, Young Turk Revolution and Russian Revolution are worth mentioning here.

The American Revolution is perhaps the most important confrontation in the Western Hemisphere, resulting in the birth of the United States as a new political power. The United States emerged as a major powerhouse in the world after gaining independence from Britain.

The French Revolution which took place in the 18th century is one of the most important events in world history. Apart from changing the political climate of France, it also developed new political ideas like democracy and nationalism.

The Haitian Revolution was the result of a slave revolt in Saint-Domingue in 1789. The revolt resulted in a civil war. Historians regard it as the most successful slave rebellion in the Western world.

Nationwide frustrations against the Qing Dynasty sparked the Chinese Revolution. It was an attempt to abolish the imperial system. As a result, the year 1912 saw the end of the imperial system and centuries-long rule of the Qing dynasty in China.

The Young Turk Revolution of the Ottoman Empire that took place in 1908, was to bring in democracy and usher in multi-party politics within the Empire.

The Russian Revolution was a revolt against economical oppression. It was the first time in history that a working-class revolution succeeded in ousting the old ruling classes.

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