How did Britain colonise America?

It began in the 16th century. The Virginia Company of London established a settlement called the Jamestown Colony and invited new settlers to their establishment. By the 17th century, a lot of new settlers arrived and began growing tobacco. The opportunity for acquiring wealth enchanted many and more settlers arrived. Soon, Britain successfully established 13 colonies in America, stretching from New Hampshire to Georgia. These colonies were classified as the New England colonies of the North, the Middle colonies, and the Southern colonies.

As plenty of land was available, most of the new settlers chose farming. While the Southern colonies grew tobacco, rice, and indigo on large plantations, the middle colonies grew wheat for export and carried on trade. But it was the planters who dominated the society and politics. Most of these planters relied on slave labour to do the work.

The United Stated as we know today would not have come into existence if not for the American Revolution. The British colonists in America rebelled against the rule of Great Britain thus forming one of the greatest powers of the world.

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