What are the factors that contributed to the defeat of the British?

The British Army was unprepared when the American colonies revolted. The long distance between Britain and America made it difficult for the British to procure arms and food supply. These short-comings contributed to the failure of the British.

In addition to the inadequate supply of food and arms, transportation facilities too were insufficient. Widespread corruption and the lack of a proper strategy worsened the situation. There was a difference of opinion about the war even in the British Parliament. As the war dragged on, many people in Britain grew tired of it; they wanted it to end somehow. The Americans, on the other hand, won battles because they were patriots who would never give up. The battle of Yorktown was the last major battle of the war, though matters were not fully settled even after this. Finally, on 27 February, 1782 the British Parliament voted against continuing the war in America.

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