What were the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution?

There are several main causes of the Industrial Revolution. The first was the emergence of capitalism as an economic theory, since it helped wealthy individuals to start their own businesses. The next major cause was the expansion of European imperialism around the world. By taking over other areas of the world, European countries gained access to important resources and created large markets in which they could sell goods produced in their factories.

Finally, the last cause of the Industrial Revolution was the effects of the Agricultural Revolution. This led to an increase in food production and helped increase the population. As a result, this created a large workforce for use in industrial towns and cities.

The after effects of the Industrial Revolution were tremendous; it caused a revolutionary increase in the per capita income in England. This had its effects on the rest of the Western world too. Some historians however argue that the living standards of ordinary people fell during this period. While the living standards of the rich improved, the workers lived and worked in terrible conditions.

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