What are the fun facts of puffin?

Puffin is a seabird found in the North Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It has black or black and white plumage and a large beak, which changes colour. In winter, it is grey, and in spring, the breeding season, it turns orange to attract mate.

It feed primarily on small fish by diving in the water. It uses its webbed feet as a rudder and can dive down up to 60 metres under water!

It is a great flyer too, speeding through the air at up to 88km an hour. It flaps its wings up to 400 times a minute!

They breed in colonies on coasts and islands. Both the parents incubate the egg and feed the chick.

When starting a puffin family, our feathered friends dig out a burrow using their sharp claws and beak, usually in a grassy bank or rocky crevice. At the back of their burrow home, they build a nest lined with feathers and grass where the female lays her egg. Both parents take it in turn to incubate the egg for the next 36-45 days before the baby “puffling” hatches!

Picture Credit : Google

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