What are the fun facts of Galapagos tortoise?

Galapagos tortoise is a species of giant tortoise found on the Galapagos Islands. It is the world’s largest tortoise. It is also the longest-lived of all vertebrates, averaging over 100 years.

Grass, leaves and cacti are its favourite food. Di you know it can go without eating or drinking for up to a year because it can store food and water in its body?

It sleeps for nearly 16 hours per day. Giant tortoises reach maturity at about 20 or 25 years old. They typically breed during the hot season, which occurs from January to May. Mating can take several hours, after which the female migrates to an area with dry, sandy ground. There, she digs a hole in which she lays two to 16 eggs. The eggs hatch after around 130 days, after which the young tortoises must dig their way up to the surface.

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