How can you fix one matchstick in the air using another?

What you need:

An empty matchbox and matchsticks

What to do:

Poke the rear end of one of the matchsticks through the front of the empty matchbox to make it stand erect Make the second matchstick lean against the first one so that their tips are touching. Use a third match to set fire to the middle of the second one.

What happens?

From the centre of the second matchstick, the fire spreads upwards to its tip as well as downwards. As the tip of the first match catches fire, the second one starts to rise up. Blow out the flame and the second match stays suspended in mid-air!


The trick is to set fire to the centre of the second matchstick. When the flame starts spreading, it burns up most of the matchstick’s weight, making it lighter.

When the flame reaches the tip of the leaning match and the erect match, both catch fire simultaneously and get fused together by the heat.

This fusion allows the erect stick to hold the almost minimal weight of the leaning one. That’s how we get the levitating matchstick.

Picture Credit : Google

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