Is it possible to identify a place where a mountain once existed?

We know by now that mountains are worn down by erosion and over millions of years can grow smaller in size. But have you ever wondered if a mountain range could disappear entirely off the face of the Earth? And if so, how would we know of its existence?

Due to science we can even find out the existence of mountains that have disappeared billions of years ago. How? By looking at its trace signature in the rocks. Even a long-gone mountain range would leave some ‘tracks’ behind. These tracks are folded rocks that were formed deep in the ground when the mountains were being formed. Even after the mountain eroded away completely, the presence of these rocks signifies that a mountain once stood there. Geologists have found a belt of rocks across the flat central part of Canada and USA, which marks the site of a mountain system that existed billions of years ago!

Picture Credit : Google

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