How does mountain weather make bonsais?

You must have heard of bonsais, or miniature plants that are deliberately trained or pruned to remain small. Did you know that nature too has its version of bonsai?

These are not shaped by shears and scissors but by biting, cold winds, snow and ice at extreme altitudes. They are referred to as Krumholz – German for stunted tree. Just like some sportsmen like extreme sports, these trees are star players in extreme mountain weather!

They are found above the tree line on high mountains and are usually not more than eight feet tall. In some places they grow just knee high. They grow low to the ground to avoid being blown down by icy mountain winds. The same species of tree would grow to its regular size below the tree line much faster. But Krumholz take almost twice as long to grow and are severely stunted and deformed. These maverick trees grow very slowly and very little.

They may take double the years to grow the same diameter as their counterparts below the tree line, but they live almost twice as long. Researchers have also found that Alpine flowers above the tree line grew about one-third of an inch in 10 years! They grow so slowly that most cannot sprout, mature and produce seeds in a single season. Consequently they are perennials and live for many years.

Picture Credit : Google

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