How are mountain animals able to adapt to high altitudes?

You might think that since mountains have such harsh environments, not many animals can survive here but surprisingly the mountains harbour a wealth of animal life that is diverse as well as unique.

These animals have developed ways of coping with the scarcity of oxygen, food and water as well as the cold environment. For instance the yak, which is the highest dwelling domesticated animal in the world, has larger lungs and heart than other cattle.

Red foxes, monkeys and musk deer are found on the lower slopes of the Himalayas. These animals develop thick fur to survive the cold. Even higher up at altitudes of 2,980 m and more snow leopards may be found. They have thick fur and huge claws to help them grip the rocky terrain. They are usually white, which helps them camouflage themselves in the snow and stalk their prey.

An animal like the Himalayan black bear eats as much as it can during the short summer months and stores the food as fat in its body to survive the winters. It conserves its energy and hibernates, or sleeps, through the cold season as a survival strategy. So you see, far from being lifeless and barren, mountains are teeming with animals!

Picture Credit : Google

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