What birds are found in the mountains?

Mountain eco-systems are diverse across land face, gradient and range. This huge variety in habitat allows them to play host to myriad bird species.

Two kinds of bird species may be found on mountains. Year-round residents, who only move to higher elevations during different seasons, and migrants who fly thousands of kilometres between breeding and wintering grounds.

The Andean condor is one of the largest birds of prey. Because of their great weight, they need air currents to help keep them aloft. This is why they prefer high mountain regions with strong winds. The lammergeier or bearded vulture is another bird of prey found high in mountain regions. It is native to Europe, Asia and Africa and feeds mainly on dead animals.

One of the swiftest avian predators is the golden eagle. It has dark brown feathers with golden colouring at the back of its neck. Though also found in urban areas, the largest numbers of golden eagles are found in mountain regions, where they carry out their nesting and hunting activities in peace.

Smaller birds such as the Alpine chough feed on insects, butterflies and mountain plants.

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