Why was Hypatia disliked?

Hypatia was the daughter of a teacher of mathematics, who lived in Alexandria in Ancient Egypt. She studied under her father, and other great scholars of the time, including Plutarch. Hypatia herself grew up to become a renowned scholar and teacher, who wrote on mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy.

Hypatia has many achievements to her credit. She wrote about the movements of the planets, and the numbers theory. She also invented the plane astrolabe, the graduated brass hydrometer and the hydroscope, along with one of her students and colleagues. Besides being a teacher and inventor, Hypatia was a powerful political force in the city.

Hypatia was bold and fearless. She scorned women’s clothing, and dressed like a scholar. She moved about freely like men did, and drove her own chariot. She had many enemies who distrusted her teachings. These enemies finally led an attack against her, and Hypatia was killed by a violent mob. Yet her memory lives on, and though her works were destroyed, we know of her writings through the works of other great writers.