Where are the Alps located?

The Alps are located in the southern part of central Europe. These crescent-shaped mountains stretch for 1,200 km across the countries of Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Slovenia and Austria.

The Alps lie north of the Mediterranean Sea and begin near Monaco on the coastline of southern France and extend into Switzerland, northern Italy, Germany and Vienna in Austria. The mountains continue downwards through the countries of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro before ending in Albania on the rugged Adriatic Sea coastline.

The Alps are divided into Western, Central and Eastern segments, each of which consists of distinct ranges.

The Western Alps extend north from south-eastern France and north-western Italy to Lake Geneva and the Rhone Valley in Switzerland. The highest peak in the Alps, Mont Blanc, which rises to 4,807 m, lies in this region.

The Central Alps occupy an area from the Great St. Bernard Pass east of Mont Blanc on the Swiss-Italian border, to the region north of Splugen Pass. The great glacial lakes of Como and Maggiore fall in this region.

The Eastern Alps consist of the Dolomite Alps in Italy, the Bavarian Alps of southern Germany, the Tauern Mountains in Austria, the Julian Alps in north-eastern Italy and the Dinaric Alps along the Balkan Peninsula.

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