How many noses have a slug?

It is a misconception that slugs have four noses. These slimy creatures have two retractable pairs of tentacles. They use the upper tentacles for seeing and smelling. These eye-stalks can function independently and can be regenerated if lost. The smaller, lower tentacles are used for feeling and tasting. Slugs eat using a radula, a tongue-like organ covered with thousands of sharp protrusions. Many species of slugs play an important role in the ecosystem by feeding on decaying vegetation.

Slugs also have thousands and thousands of teeth. These tiny chompers are part of a rasping structure called a radula that’s unique to mollusks. And in case that doesn’t seem weird enough, slugs essentially breathe through a blowhole that opens up on one side of their bodies. This round pore is called a pneumostome.

But that’s just the anatomy of land-living slugs. Sea slugs have their own incredible features. For example, some breathe using delicate feather-like gills that surround their butt holes, and they smell with neon-colored, bizarrely shaped protrusions called rhinophores.

Picture Credit : Google

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