What are the meaning, origin and usage of the word Breach?


The word breach denotes the act of breaking or failing to observe a law, code of conduct or, any agreement in general. It can also be used to correspond to a gap in a wall, barrier or defence, especially that created by an attacking army.


Breach is derived from Old English bryce “a fracture, act of breaking”. The word was influenced by Old French cognate breche “breach, opening, gap,” which is from another source.

The figurative sense of ‘violation, breaking of rules” comes from Old English. While the meaning “opening made by breaking” can be traced back to the late 14th Century, “rupture of friendly relations” is from the 1570s. Breach of promise can be traced to the 1580s, breach of contract to the 1660s and breach of peace to the 1670s.

The word has remained in steady use throughout the last two hundred years or so.


Even if one player breaches the COVID-19 bubble protocols, it could put an entire sporting tournament at risk.

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