Keep the distractions away with TimeChi

The TimeChi sits on your desk and blocks digital and physical interruptions to keep you focused on your work and monitor your productivity. The productivity device comes with a colour-display and connects to any device via WiFi. Once you set the timer for your work, the accompanying app instantly puts your smartphone in the “Do Not Disturb” mode to block notifications. It even blocks “time wasting” websites; when you try to enter any, a motivational message pops up to keep your focus. A traffic light system lets others know when you’re not to be disturbed and when you’re available. TimeChi uses a combination of the

Pomodoro technique and ‘timeboxing’ – allotting a fixed time period in which your planned activity takes place. It offers gentle reminders to take regular breaks; after four focused time periods it reminds you to take a longer break so you can recharge. When the focus period ends and a break starts, the app unblocks the settings. Productivity Analytics on the app dashboard helps you analyze when you did the most work and when you were distracted.

Picture Credit : Google

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