What are red moles?

Red moles are also known as cherry angiomas. You may have them on your skin and have never realized what they are. Most of the time they will appear on the chest, back, neck or face, but can pop up anywhere on the body. It’s understandable when you are concerned about the appearance of a red mole and want to undergo red mole removal immediately, but the truth is there’s usually nothing to worry about.

Cherry angiomas get their name from their appearance. Their bright red color occurs due to the dilated capillaries.

However, cherry angiomas can be a range of colors and may also appear blue or purple. If a person applies pressure to them, they do not usually turn white, or blanch.

These angiomas can also vary in size but commonly grow to be a few millimeters (mm) in diameter. As they get bigger, the angiomas usually form round, domed shapes with smooth, flat tops.

The growths can appear anywhere on the body but grow most often on the chest, stomach, and back. Multiple cherry angiomas often appear in groups.

The causes of cherry angiomas are largely unknown, though experts believe they tend to be genetic.

Age contributes heavily, and cherry angiomas increase in number and size after 40 years of age.

Picture Credit : Google

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