What are the fun facts of jaguar?

Jaguar is the third largest cat in the world after lion and tiger. It is found in North, Central and South America.

It has a tan or orange fur covered with black spots arranged in rosettes. It is an ambush predator, known for killing its prey with a single bite.

Unlike most cats, it likes to spend time in water and is an excellent swimmer.  It is a solitary, territorial animal. It defines its territory by making scratches on tree barks.

Jaguars are carnivores, which means they eat only meat. In the wild, jaguars will use their speed and stealth to take down deer, peccary, monkeys, birds, frogs, fish, alligators and small rodents. If wild food is scarce, these large cats will also hunt domestic livestock. 

Their jaws are stronger than any other species of cat. With these strong jaws, jaguars will crunch down on bones and eat them. Their jaws are strong enough to crack a sea turtle’s shell, according to the BBC. In fact, in the zoo, bones are part of a jaguars’ regular diet.

They also don’t like to share their food. Jaguars will only eat their prey after dragging into the trees, even if the trees are quite a distance away.

Credit : Live Science

Picture Credit : Google

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