What are the fun facts of giant panda?

Giant panda is living in the thick bamboo forests, high up in the mountains of central China. It belongs to the family of bears.

It has large, black patches around its eyes, over the ears and across its otherwise white body. Its skin is black under the black fur and pink under the white fur.

Though it eats small animals and fish, bamboo represents 99% of its diet. It spends 14-16 hours per day eating. It can grow up to 15 m. ironically, when born we are just 15 cm, which is as long as your smaller ruler. It does not hibernate like other bears.

It’s thought that these magnificent mammals are solitary animals, with males and females only coming together briefly to mate. Recent research, however, suggests that giant pandas occasionally meet outside of breeding season, and communicate with each other through scent marks and calls. Female pandas give birth to one or two cubs every two years. Cubs stay with their mothers for 18 months before venturing off on their own! Sadly, these beautiful bears are endangered, and it’s estimated that only around 1,000 remain in the wild. That’s why we need to do all we can to protect them!

Credit : National Geographic

Picture Credit : Google

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