What is the difference between fuel cells and batteries?

Comparing a battery and a fuel cell may be confusing as both can be used as sources of power, but in different ways. In battery electric vehicles, batteries store and deliver energy to the powertrain. A fuel cell electric vehicle generates electricity using hydrogen as fuel, and also delivers energy to the powertrain. The fuel cell can also charge the battery. The hydrogen itself acts as an energy carrier and storage device, much like a battery. However, most fuel cells configurations have limited ability to manage the powertrain energy demand in a dynamic fashion like batteries can. It’s the battery system that provides the quick response required to match the load demand from the powertrain.  

Fuel cells still provide a necessary enhancement to improve many of the performance and operational gaps we see in battery electric vehicles. Also, fuel cells have the potential to better utilize renewable energy on a large scale and increase the adoption of sustainable power sources faster. 

Ultimately, it’s not a matter of which technology is better — but rather which is more suitable to a customer’s conditions and needs. Battery electric solutions can effectively serve many transportation sectors. Where they fall short, fuel cells can help accommodate.  

Credit : Cummins

Picture Credit : Google

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