Who invented the detachable collar?

The collars on men’s shirts used to be detachable and this was to save on laundry costs. Usually, the collar gets untidy fast and needs frequent cleaning. It is believed that Hannah Montague of Troy, New York, came up with this detachable collar in the 1820s, after she became tired of washing her husband’s shirts when the collar became dirty. The idea caught on, giving rise to a new industry of detachable collars and shirts in Troy, which eventually came to be known as The Collar City.”

It soon became fashionable for Gentlemen to look the part with really stiff collars that would look smart and stand daily wear. This is when rigidity became important and starching became popular. Other areas of the shirts soon became detachable and starched too, such as the front and cuffs. The businessman was The Reverend Ebenezar Brown and the manufacturer of detachable shirt elements soon became a significantly well-known industry for the town of Troy.

Such stiff cardboard like collars were not really very comfortable to wear on daily bases and therefore the practice of starching collars declined. Yet it was still significantly important when it comes to formal wear. Worn often by Military and at formal events along with a white or black bow tie. The Imperial collar (a high collar with no wings) was last worn during Edwardian times.

Detachable collars are also part of the uniform and are worn by students at Eton College. Most popular are the turndown collars, however students in positions of authority wear stick-up collars or a wing collar.

Clerical collars are also known as a Roman Collars and are customary dress for ordained ministers.

Credit : Barker Collars

Picture Credit : Google

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