What is a group of rhinos called?

While a herd broadly describes a large group of animals that lives together, it refers more specifically to animals with hooves. These animals include zebra, springbok, Cape buffalo, impala, and many more.

Rhinos are in fact odd-toed hoofed mammals with three toes on each foot. This refers to animals with one or three toes on each foot. Similarly, there are even-toed hoofed mammals who have two or four toes on each foot.

The hooves on a mammal’s feet allow it to run faster. Also, most hoofed animals are plant-eaters found in open habitats such as grasslands.

Along with crash, another unique collective noun for a rhino is a stubbornness. While the term crash certainly is the most fitting, the adjective stubborn is not far off the mark either.

Rhinos are often described as being stubborn creatures as they are not always willing to cooperate. The same goes for elephants, but the rhinoceros still takes the cake.

Often they do not agree that elephants are the top mammal in the pecking order at the waterhole. As such, rhinos and elephants often get into fights as one will not make room for the other.

Rhinos are not the most social creatures. They aren’t too fond of hanging out with other animals, however, they have a few bird friends like the yellow-billed oxpecker. Also known as “tick birds”, oxpeckers eat away all the ticks that bother the rhino and are often seen riding on the large animal’s back.

Credit : Africa Freak

Picture Credit : Google

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