What do we know about sloths?

Have you watched Walt Disney’s animated film, Zootopia? If you have, then you might remember the annoyingly slow-moving sloth character who works at the Department of Mammal Vehicles?

Sloths are mammals known for their sluggish movements. They can either have two toes, or three, and have remarkably long claws.

Found in the rainforests of Central and South America, sloths sleep for 15 to 20 hours a day and spend most of their life hanging upside down on tree branches, thanks to their powerful claws! The grip of these claws is so powerful that even after the death of sloths; their lifeless bodies are often seen hanging on branches!

Sloths are excellent swimmers but on land, they are submissive and stand little chance against predators. Their hind legs are weak, and they move forward by dragging their bellies across the ground and digging each step using their front claws.

Apart from providing shelter, trees assure refuge and safety to sloths from predators, and supply nourishment through food – leaves, stems, and fruits. The symbiotic green algae that grows on its furry coat gives the sloth a camouflaged green appearance.

The word ‘sloth’ literally means ‘lazy’ and is synonymous with lazy people. So, next time, if anyone lovingly calls you a ‘sloth’, you need to think before you smile.

Picture Credit : Google

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