What is the Emperor Domitian’s place in Roman history?

        Domitian was confirmed as emperor by the Roman Senate on September 14th, 81 AD. During the preceding twenty years, Rome had experienced two great fires, and a civil war. Domitian responded by erecting, restoring, or completing some 50 structures. In order to facilitate this recovery, the provinces were taxed more heavily. While Domitian raised taxes in most parts of the Empire, he also took aggressive steps to eliminate corruption and mismanagement.

          Rome was not seriously threatened by its enemies during Domitian’s reign. In 88-89 CE, there was a revolt in upper Germany. Domitian had the revolt quickly crushed, by using the legions of lower Germany.

          By the latter part of his reign, the Emperor had taken almost all power away from the Roman Senate. He became increasingly paranoid of plots and plans to remove him. In 96 AD, a real plot against Domitian finally did succeed. He died at age forty-four, and was the last emperor of his dynasty – the Flavian dynasty.