How many bones are in your elbow?

The elbow is a complex joint formed by the articulation of three bones –the humerus, radius and ulna. The elbow joint helps in bending or straightening of the arm to 180 degrees and assists in lifting or moving objects.

The elbow can move in three ways based on slight variations in the positions of the heads of the three bones. The first is the large hinge action that is used in most movements of the arms, such as holding bags of groceries or doing bicep curls. The other movements are so small that the untrained eye rarely notices the changes in position, but they are important for motor function of the hand and wrist. Inside and outside the elbow joint, there are points where tendons attach. These tendons allow for wrist and hand movements. For example, they allow the hand to rotate.  The elbow bones are held together primarily by fibrous tissue known as ligaments. The ulnar collateral ligament, or UCL, on the inner side of the joint closest to the body is the primary stabilizer. This thick triangle-shaped band connects the head of the humerus to the heads of the ulna and radius.

The UCL can be torn or completely ruptured, which would cause severe pain on the inside of the elbow, a popping noise, swelling, and bruising. Injuries to the UCL are common among baseball pitchers, football quarterbacks, ice hockey players, and racquet sport players due to the type of motion these sports involve.

The other ligament in the elbow is the radial collateral ligament. Located on the outside of the elbow, it prevents excessive extension of the elbow.

Credit :  Healthline 

Picture Credit : Google

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