What is augmented reality?

Commonly abbreviated as AR. augmented reality is a technology where computer-generated content is overlaid on a real world environment.

The technology makes use of hardware such as smartphones, smartwatches, glasses and headsets to give users a real-like experience.

One can find examples of AR in video games, television and personal navigation among others.

Video games: Pokemon Go is one of the most popular games that makes use of AR. Available on iOS and Android, the game uses GPS to know your location. As you move around your avatar is overlaid on a real-world map along with other in-game content such as Pokemon, gyms and other characters. When you attempt to catch a Pokemon on your path, the Pokemon shows up against the real world background generated by the game using your smartphone’s camera.

Television: In television you can see the use of AR mainly in sports. The tracking line you see in Cricket that shows the path the ball has travelled from the bowlers arm to the wickets is an example of AR.

Personal navigation: When it comes to navigation, AR is used to display location information in real-time mostly using a heads-up display (HUD) that projects images like a hologram. For example, Google Glass, an HUD, overlays directions from Google Maps and identifies locations using the built-in camera.

How is it different from VR?

Many people use the words Virtual Reality (VR) and AR interchangeably. However, the two are different. AR augments reality. It does not change it. Meaning, it add objects and visuals to a real world location/background usually. VR on the other hand, works regardless of your location and creates an artificial universe by itself.

Picture Credit : Google

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