What are adjectives?

Adjectives are words that describe a noun or a pronoun in a sentence. Let’s take a closer look at adjectives

Points to remember

  • Adjectives of quality describe the size, shape, colour, taste, and touch. They also describe qualities and feelings.

Examples: Long, black sweet, etc

  • Compound adjectives are adjectives that are made up of two or more words, usually with hyphens (-) between them.

Examples: Open-minded, well-mannered light-hearted, etc

  • Adjectives are formed by adding different suffies such as-al ful, -ive. -less, etc

Examples: Seasonal, respectful, attractive, useless, etc

  • Some adjectives are formed from existing words, including nouns.

Examples: Proud (from the noun pride); long (length): young (youth): belief (believe); etc.

  • Adjectives of quantity express an approximate quantity

Examples: Much, mast, whole, etc.

  • Adjectives of number express the exact number.

Examples: One, two, second third, etc.

  • When two nouns are compared, comparative adjectives are used.

Examples: It is easier to walk than drive through the forest the train journey takes longer than air travel

  • When more than two nouns are compared superlative adjectives are used.

Examples: The blue whale is the largest animal: Goa is the smallest State in India.

Did you know?

  • Some adjectives come in pairs!

Examples: The speech was short and sweet: Slow and steady wins the race:

I am sick and tired of eating the same food.

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