How many mosquitoes are required to drain a human?

It would take 1.2 million mosquitoes, each sucking once, to completely drain the adult human body of blood! In the Arctic, Canadian researchers who bared their arms, legs, and torsos reported as many as 9,000 bites per minute from swarming, newly hatched mosquitoes. At that rate, an individual could lose half his blood in two hours!

A condition called hypovolemic shock sets in after you lose about 20% of your blood, and it leads to major organ failures because your heart loses the pressure necessary to circulate blood.

Another thing to consider is the amount of skin a human has for the mosquitoes to bite. An average person has about 1.75 square meters of skin. That means you’d need almost 6,300 Asian tiger mosquitoes feeding on each square centimeter of skin on your body

So unless they set up an orderly queuing system to get at your skin, there’s little to no risk of having your blood drained by mosquitoes, let alone encountering a swarm of millions. But mosquitoes are not necessarily the most profilic bloodsuckers.

Credit :  Insider 

Picture Credit : Google

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