Why this Brazilian stadium is the most unique football field on earth


Estadio Milton Correa, known as Zerao, is a stadium located in Macapa, Brazil. It seats 10,000 people, and is the home stadium of seven football clubs. It is so named because the midfield line lies exactly on the equator; zero latitude. This means that during games, each football team defends one hemisphere.

The stadium name Zerao is related to the field’s neighbourhood – Marco Zero which means ‘marking 0’ in English language, simply due to it being located on the Equator. However, Zerao means ‘Big Zero’, that denotes to the zeroth latitude of the Equator. 

The stadium was constructed back in 1990 and is officially known as the Estadio Milton Correa. The stadium is actually now named after Milton de Souza Correa, who was once the president of the Amapa state football federation. Zerao hosts home fixtures of Brazilian clubs Amapa Clube, Esporte Clube Macapa, Ypiranga Clube, Oratorio Recreativo Clube, Trem Desportivo Clube, Santos Futebol Clube (AP), and Sao Paulo Futebol Clube (AP). The 10,000 capacity stadium’s ownership belongs to Amapa state government. Previously, it was known as Estadio Ayrton Senna, as a tribute to the legendary Formula One racer.

Credit : Inuth 

Picture Credit : Google


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