Who are the founding fathers of the European Union?

The European Union is believed to have been founded by eleven world leaders whose farsightedness is considered to have strongly pillared its foundation. The names of three pioneers, Robert Schuman of France, Konrad Adenauer of Germany, and Alcide De Gasperi of Italy, stand strikingly above the rest.

The most prominent is Robert Schuman, the foreign minister of the French Government from 1948 up to 1953. His historical proposal, known as the Schuman Declaration, unified the coal and steel production of both France and Germany under a single authority called the European Coal and Steel Community (ESCS).This colossal step eventually paved the way to the inception of the EU. May 9th of 1950, the date on which the Schuman Declaration was published, was officially proclaimed as Europe Day.

Konrad Adenauer, the first Chancellor of West Germany (1949 to 1963), was influential in helping Germany wade out of all the controversial allegations it had to face for its notorious role during World War II. The hopes of unifying Europe were threatened because of the existing rivalry between Germany and France. Konrad joined hands with Charles de Gaulle, the then president of France, in creating the Elysee Treaty, which brought an end to the rivalry and catalysed the integration of other nations into a single community. His shrewd political intelligence moulded West Germany into a world economic power, making it a close ally of the superpower United States.

Alcide De Gasperi, the longest-serving Prime Minister of Italy, was highly reputed for his alliance with Adenauer and Schuman in the formation of the ESCS. However, his idea of forming a joint European army to defend the continent in the wake of another war could not be fulfilled.

The other eight founders of the EU are Joseph Bech (Luxembourg), Johan Beyen (Netherlands), Winston Churchill (United Kingdom), Walter Hallstein (West Germany), Sicco Mansholt (Netherlands), Jean Monnet (France), Paul-Henri Spaak (Belgium) and Altiero Spinelli (Italy).

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