What do we know about Denmark?

Denmark, officially the Kingdom of Denmark, is a Nordic Country in Northern Europe and the southernmost of the Scandinavian countries. It consists of a peninsula, Jutland, and an archipelago of 443 named islands, with the largest being Zealand, Funen, and the North Jutlandic Island. Its capital is Copenhagen, and the official language is Danish.

Denmark was economically linked to the U.K. in many ways. Hence, when the British formally applied to join the European Communities (the predecessor of the European Union), Denmark too considered it necessary to enter. On 10 August 1961, a day after the British applied, it submitted its application too.

However, the then president of France, Charles de Gaulle, turned down the application for British membership. This prompted Denmark to back out as it did not wish to join the EC without the United Kingdom.

After much negotiation and following a change in the French presidency, Denmark, Ireland, and the United Kingdom eventually joined the European Communities on 1 January 1973.

Denmark does not use the euro. It has negotiated an opt-out from participation under the Edinburgh Agreement in 1992 and uses the krone as its currency. In 2000, the government held a referendum on introducing the euro, which 53.2 per cent voted against.

There are 12 members of the European Parliament from Denmark.

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