Who created the world first Civilizations?


More than 5,000 years ago, farming peoples in the river valleys of Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq), Egypt, and India, created the world’s first civilizations. In Sumer, southern Mesopotamia, people known as Sumerians built the first cities. Each city was ruled by a king, who governed on behalf of the local god. This scene shows the king of the city of Ur receiving goods from his people.

King: Sumerians believed that kingship was handed down from the gods. This king wears no crown, but his importance is shown by his kilt and the fact that he is larger than everyone else.

Servants: Two men move between the king and his guests, bringing food and drink. Their low status is shown by their smaller size. They would have lived in the palace or in mud-brick homes.

Nobles: These men may have been priests, relatives of the king, or wealthy landowners. They are shown sitting on chairs with delicately carved legs, evidence of luxury at the palace.

Musicians: This man is shown playing a lyre, which has a wooden sound box decorated with the head of a bull. Other instruments from the time included harps, lutes, reed pipes, and drums.

Singer: The only woman in the scene is singing with the lyre player to entertain the guests. Music and dancing played a key role in religious rituals, such as giving thanks for a good harvest.

Farmers: Although the area was hot and dry, silt from the rivers kept the soil fertile. Farmers also dug canals to divert water to their crops, which included barley, turnips, onions, and dates.

Fishermen: Rivers offered a plentiful supply of fish for all early civilizations. From the Indus in India, the Nile in Egypt, and the Euphrates and Tigris in Sumer, fish were caught with nets or spears.

Animals: Sheep, goats, cattle, and pigs were vital to the first civilizations. They provided meat, milk, leather, and wool. Oxen were used to pull ploughs and donkeys were used for transport.

Workers: This man carries a bundle on his back, the heavy load strapped to his head. It was thanks to the toil of workers like this that massive temples for the gods could be built.

Clothing: Made from either wool or flax, both men and women wore tufted kilts, designed to resemble sheepskins. Wealthy men and women also owned elaborate gold jewellery.


This mosaic of blue lapis lazuli, red sandstone, and white shell, was made in the city of Ur in about 2,500 BCE. It decorates one side of a small wooden box found in a royal grave. The purpose of the box is not known. This side shows a peaceful banquet, while the other side depicts scenes of war.

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Which civilizations of known as the “Classical World”?


The civilizations of Ancient Greece and Rome are collectively known as the “classical world”. The word “classical”, in this instance, refers to culture of the highest quality. The Greeks were pioneers in science and the arts. They influenced the Romans, who spread this style of art, architecture, and literature across their own empire. Men in both societies were eager to find fame, often through military might.


During the 8th century BCE, Homer wrote two great epic poems about the legendary Greek war against the city of Troy. The Iliad recounts the story of the Greek warrior Achilles. The Odyssey describes the adventures of another hero, Odysseus, as he journeys home after the war. Homer’s writing is so powerful that it is said to have influenced writers through the ages. He was so important to the Greeks that they simply called him “the poet”. Homer’s poems were originally sung or chanted, to the accompaniment of a lyre.


A philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician, Pythagoras lived in the 6th century BCE. He is remembered today for his work in geometry – particularly his theorem about triangles – but he was also a religious teacher. Pythagoras wanted to unlock the secrets of the Universe, and saw mathematics as the key to everything. He believed that numbers were the ultimate reality.


Socrates (469-399 BCE) was an Athenian thinker whose influence on philosophy was so great that all earlier philosophers are referred to as “pre-Socratic” (before Socrates). However, unlike previous thinkers, such as Pythagoras, Socrates did not try to understand the Universe. He believed that it was more important to find the best way to live. Accused by his enemies of being a bad influence, he was put on trial and sentenced to death by drinking poison.


One of the world’s greatest generals, and bravest of soldiers, Alexander (356-323 BCE) was king of Macedon, to the north of Greece. After forcing the Greeks to unite under his leadership, he conquered a vast empire, stretching from Egypt to northwest India. By the time of his death, aged just 32, he had won lasting fame and was forever known as Alexander the Great.


A statesman and general, Pericles (c. 495-429 BCE) was a leading figure in Athens when the state was a democracy (meaning “power by the people”). He filled Athens with temples, such as the Parthenon, which was dedicated to Athena, goddess of the city. Pericles also promoted the arts, and made Athens the cultural centre of Greece.


As a Roman general, Sulla (138-78 BCE) was a ruthless and ambitious man. His quarrels with a rival general, Marius, led to the first in a series of bloody civil wars - in which Romans fought against each other. Sulla was the first general to march on Rome as the head of an army and seize power. Julius Caesar later followed his example.


Politician, general, and writer, Julius Caesar (c. 100-44 BCE) is famous for his conquest of Gaul (modern-day France), which he described in his book The Gallic Wars. He also fought and won a civil war against a rival Roman general, Pompey. Caesar marched on Rome and was declared dictator for life. He was later murdered for acting like a king, which went against the principles of the Roman republic.


Augustus (the revered one) was the title given to Julius Caesar’s adopted heir, Octavian, when he became Rome’s first emperor. Augustus (ruled 27 BCE-14 CE) took power after defeating his rival, Mark Antony, in battle. He ruled Rome for more than 40 years, and brought peace and stability to the empire after years of civil war.


The wife of Emperor Claudius, Agrippina (15-59 CE) was a powerful and ambitious woman. She persuaded her husband to adopt Nero, her son from a previous marriage. She is thought to have then poisoned Claudius so that the 16-year-old Nero could come to the throne. At first, Nero was dominated by his mother, but he eventually grew tired of her interference and had her murdered.


A Spaniard by birth, Emperor Trajan (ruled 98-117 ce) was the first Roman ruler to be born outside Italy. He was a successful general, and his conquests in the Balkans and what is now Iraq brought the Roman Empire to its largest size. In Rome, a famous column was built in his honour decorated with scenes of his campaigns.

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