Which are the children’s favourite books to start the New Year with?

The perfect start to

My favourite book to start the New Year with is the book ‘She Can You Can’ by Garima Kushwaha which is a collection of stories about inspirational Indian women who have reached great heights in their life and paved paths for other women to succeed. The struggles and successes of these women motivate me.

I would like to start the new year reading this book because it teaches me to keep trying, stay strong and face challenges bravely. Reading this book in the beginning of the year will keep me stimulated and determined throughout the year.

Always a potterhead

When my mother bought the complete collection of the Harry Potter series, I was very excited to read it. I have liked the series a lot and am eager to start my new year with "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child'. I have read all the novels in the Harry Potter series and I have loved the way J. K. Rowling has described the characters and brought the magical world alive. I have read and heard a lot about "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" and am interested to read it because I am curious to know what happens after the seventh book and who is the cursed child.

Take your chance

My favourite book to start the New Year with is Robert Kiyosakis top rated book Rich Dad Poor Dad I recently ordered its hard copy but previously I had read a little bit of the book. In this book the author has written about two fathers. One is his biological father or "Poor dad and the other is his friend's father "Rich Dad". Both were successful in their own fields. The poor dad was a PhD holder and yet he died broke. On the other hand the rich dad had never pursued his education beyond eighth class yet he left a million dollars. Both the fathers taught Robert different lessons. I learnt from the book that getting good grades in school is not sufficient, acquiring more knowledge and taking risks at every moment is most important in life.

No miscalculations

The book I would start the New Year with is The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl' by Stacy McAnulty. The story is about twelve-year-old Lucy, a highly introverted math genius, who joins middle school with a goal to make one friend, do one activity, and read one non-mathematical or economical book. Her struggles to socialise and make friends because of her weird disabilities and side effects of her Einstein-like math skills after being struck by lightning, give us a new outlook. The book teaches us that there is more to life than what we have already done and that we need to start fresh on broken friendships, find solutions to problems and enter the New Year positively.

Kindle the inner detective

My favourite book to start the New Year with is The Sherlock Holmes it's been a while since I've been a Holmeshead. Seeing my deep interest and urge to read the books, my father decided to get them for me. I love investigation. Even my favourite movie genres would be action and investigation. While browsing through the library when I was 12, I saw Sherlock Holmes books in a corner of the shelf. But I couldn't borrow any of the books. This rapidly increased my urge to read Sherlock Holmes. I've waited two years and at last I am going to start 2022 with The Sherlock Holmes'.

Look at the bright side

My favourite book to start the New Year with is The Borrowers by Mary Norton. It tells the story of a family of little people who live beneath the kitchen floor of a deteriorating English country home. Pod and Homily Clock care their adventurous daughter Arrietty by borrowing what they have, and a touch more, from human "beans" who live up above. To not arouse suspicion, they take only things which might not be missed, like sheets of paper and old cigar boxes. This book teaches us life lessons, as was evident in Arrietty's first borrowing' mission. Rather than scolding her for losing the ice cube, her father emphasised her good points and areas to enhance, I like to read this book because it can make me line the positive priorities and intentions of setting new goals for this New Year.

Fiction lover

With New Year approaching, I have been preparing my 2022 book list and on the top of it is The Shadowhunters' by Cassandra Clare. This is a book series filled with adventure, emotions, fiction, and above everything we get to see the friendship between two shadowhunters - James and William. For a fiction lover like myself, this book series is perfect to start the year. I would re-read this book with the hope to remind myself of all the values I need to be a better person.

Starting the New Year with a laugh

Though there are many books I'd suggest for all to read on the New Year, one book I think is the best is 'Crazy Times with Uncle Ken, written by Ruskin Bond. Uncle Ken is Ruskin Bond's uncle, who does not have a job. He frequently comes to Bond's grandmother's house to pass free time (which he always has), and every time he pays a visit, you can be sure that something mischievous is going to happen! The book sets us rolling with laughter with various moments such as when Uncle Ken accidentally drives a car into the Maharaja's compound wall, as Ruskin Bond and Uncle Ken visit a mental hospital, as Uncle Ken suddenly turns into a bird enthusiast and goes gallivanting into a forest only to be chased by an infuriated elephant! In the book, Ruskin Bond shares all his crazy experiences with his crazy uncle, which makes one wonder if such an eccentric human even exists on Earth. All in all, reading Crazy Times with Uncle Ken' has been a wonderful experience for me, and I'm sure it is perfect to start a new year with a nice, hearty laugh.

Be content

I usually set myself a list of New Year resolutions that I make in an attempt to fulfil during the coming year. Although it is an efficient way to cultivate discipline, one must not set unrealistic tasks for themselves.

For this reason, the story How Much Land Does a Man Need' by Leo Tolstoy is one of my favourite books to read as the New Year begins. The tale illustrates how a man's greed to own as much land as he can leads to his unfortunate death and the loss of what little land he had. In our quests for the big things in life, we mustn't forget the significant small things that have kept us happy.

An action-packed start

The moment I read the topic of the weekend inbox I immediately knew which book to read. The Hidden oracle is an amazing book to start the New Year with. An once immortal Greek god of archery and medicine (Apollo) is banished from Olympus after angering his father. Apollo thinks that this is a temporary change, however, he comes to realise that he has to defeat his arch enemy, who event the gods are afraid of. Can Apollo learn to become human? Will he ever defeat his enemy? Can he get rid of his big ego? This action-packed book is filled with humor, sacrifices, betrayals, mystery, and suspicion. I highly recommend this book and am 100% sure that it is the perfect way to start the New Year.

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Which are the children’s favourite movies that adapted from books?

The Wimpy movie

My favorite movie adapted from a book is "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul" by Jeff Kinney. This movie opens with Greg's family starting on a road trip to attend Meemaw's birthday, but Greg and Rodrick seem to have other plans of their own. Greg's encounter with the Beardos in the hotel, Manny's win in the country fair, the Heffley family's revenge against the Beardos after their things get stolen are some hilarious incidents that made me laugh out loud.

This movie had a mix of emotions such as happiness, confusion, and sadness. Its blend of comedy and sentiment made it very interesting to watch. This movie has also taught me lots of morals that I should follow in life.

Never give up

My favorite movie adapted from a book is 'The Life of Pi". In the film,  a boy named Pi Patel along with his family sell their zoo and are going to Canada via sea with some of their animals. Due to a shipwreck, Pi and a Bengal Tiger are forced to escape on a lifeboat along with an emergency kit and other small animals. In the end, only Pi and the Bengal tiger remain. They face several adventures and overcome them. Eventually, they become friends. From the movie I learned to never give up.

Tales of friendship

My favorite movie adapted from a book is the Harry Potter series. The first reason for loving the book and the movies is the friendship between Harry, Hermione and Ron. They are so funny and amazing. Hermione and Ron were ready to help Harry even though they knew that their life was in danger. That is real friendship. If they were not with Harry, he may not have been able to win against Voldemort.

And the second reason I love Harry Potter is Hogwarts. When I saw this school, I wished to study there. The teachers, the magic portraits, the sorting hat, and the surroundings all look really good.

What a Wonder!

Auggie from the book Wonder is one of those characters that swiftly drives through the pages to your heart and makes a place forever. R. J. Palacio couldn't have done a better job in accumulating a story of hope, of life, of struggle-turned-into-happiness, and of relationships. Stephen Chobsky didn't fail to do the same on screen. Both the book and the movie are about a 5-year-old boy suffering from a rare facial deformity disease, Treacher Collins syndrome. It isn't easy for him to face daily struggles of people teasing him or getting scared of him. But Auggie is Auggie and I learned a lot from him. He is strong and has a loving personality. His family is the strength behind his journey through this world. Every page of the book and every scene of the movie is filled with optimism and hope, reminding us that darkness will certainly fade away and the sun will shine again.

Mystery solved in an interesting way

My favorite film adaptation of a book is 'Da Vinci Code. The book is written by Dan Brown, and the film was directed by Ron Howard. The film is all about two people Robert Langdon, a symbologist, played by Tom Hanks, and Sophie Neveu, a cryptologist of the Paris Police force - who embark on a journey to find the Sarcophagus of Mary Magdalene. The film portrays their adventures in a dramatic way. I like the film for two reasons. One, I liked the way the actors played their roles to perfection. Every actor had understood what they were supposed to do, and they had all comprehended the inner meaning of the book, which would have been a challenge to them (If it's so hard for us to understand the film, imagine how difficult it would have been to be in it!). Secondly, the film gives a deep insight about the Christian society and its orthodox communities (The 'Opus Dei' and The Priory of Sion, for instance). It gives us a big picture on how sincere and loyal members of these religious communities can be towards their culture and faith. The film was nominated for many awards, and it was internationally acclaimed. As a whole, Da Vinci Code was a well researched, mind capturing film, which everyone will like.

A thrilling adventure

My favorite   movie adaptation is The Adventures of Tintin, the 2011 animated film. This movie was directed by Steven Spielberg. I like this movie because of the near-death escapades, ingenious ways to solve massive problems, and a classic plot. I also loved the historical connections between the hero and the villain.

I also like the movie because of its thrilling suspense and the very vivid clues given to find the treasure. I loved the way Tintin found out the clues successfully. From the movie, I understood that we should be wary of money-minded people. Money is needed, but greediness for too much can cause grief.

An inspiring journey

Journey to a mysterious place would always be my desire and destiny. I venture to be an explorer and an adventurer. I derived this inspiration from two books written by my favorite, Joules Verne - Journey to the Centre of the Earth and Journey 2: The Mysterious Island'. These are the best books I have read and the best films I have ever watched. Sean Anderson, and the other Andersons, fuelled my imagination and became my inspiration. The stories taught me never to lose hope.

The chocolate factory

Imagine you are so poor that you have to eat cabbage soup for all meals and your father lost his job. But you get a chocolate that changes your life forever. I am talking about 'Charlie And The Chocolate Factory’. It is adapted from a book by Roald Dahl. This movie is about a poor boy named Charlie who wins one out of five tickets for a once in a lifetime opportunity to visit the most renowned chocolate factory. My favorite part was definitely when Charlie got the golden ticket. The look on his face was priceless. Also I loved the parts when Mr. Willy Wonka was touring the chocolate factory. So if you are a fantasy lover, do watch this movie.

Hobbit tales

My favorite book that is adapted into a movie is The Hobbit.: The Desolation of Smaug. It is the story of a young  , unambitious hobbit who is dragged into a journey by a wizard friend and a pack of dwarves. I like it because it is an action, adventure, and super cool movie. The book is a must read and the movie is a must watch because the book shows everything in a detailed way while the movie displays the fight and action amazingly.

A realistic adaptation

My favorite movie adapted from a book is the Harry Potter series. At first I had read the books and by the time I finished half of the first book, I had turned into a potter head. Though the movie didn't have all the scenes which were in the book, they had made sure that they included many parts and it came out wonderfully. All the effort they had put to bring to life the moving portraits, jumbled staircases, interesting classes and most of all  the Hogwarts castle was just exemplary for me. Daniel Radcliff, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson fit perfectly into their roles and enthralled me till the end like my favorite book.

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