What are the fun facts of vicuna?

Vicuna is a South American member of the camel family, Camelidae, that is closely related to the alpaca and llama.

It has large eyes, triangular ears, a small wedge shaped head, and a long neck and legs. Its body is covered with long, fine, soft, and lustrous coat that varies in colour from light cinnamon to pale white.

It grazes on low grasses and ruminates when resting. They live in family-based groups and use communal dung heaps to mark our territorial boundaries. . When in danger, it emits a high, clear whistle.

These animals are herbivores, which means they eat only plants. While their cousins to the south feed on both grasses and shrubbery, Vicunas only graze on grasses.

They have long teeth that grow continuously, much like those of the rodent family. These teeth allow them to crop short grasses without grinding their teeth down. This species also utilizes mineral deposits, like salt licks.

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