Are aliens creating crop circles?

Have you heard of crop circles? They are strange patterns that crop up mysteriously overnight in farmers’ fields. More than 10,000 crop circles have been reported around the world. But who creates them? It has been a puzzle and there has been little scientific study on crop circles.

There are many theories about what creates crop circles, including mysterious vortices, time travellers and wind patterns. The two most popular explanations are that they are the landing impression of a UFO (Unidentified Flying Objects) and that they are created by aliens, trying to send a message to the Earth dwellers. But all of these theories lack evidence.

The UFO theory has its origin in the story of a farmer in Tully, Australia. In 1966, he claimed he saw a flying saucer rise up from a swampy area and fly away. When he went to investigate he saw a crop circle, which, he assumed, was made by the alien spacecraft.

This came to be referred to as flying saucer nest by the media. Police investigation rubbished the farmer’s claim, saying that the crop circle was created by natural phenomena such as a dust devil or waterspout.

Scientists who studied the crop circles in the 21st century believe that they are created by humans. In 2002, Jeremy Northcote, researcher who studied the crop circles in the U.K., said that the circles tended to appear near roads and cultural heritage monuments such as Stonehenge or Avebury – areas that are easy to access. He suggested that the circles were more likely to be caused by intentional human action than by paranormal activity.

The general scientific consensus on crop circles is that they are constructed by human beings as hoaxes or for advertising. There are also artists today who create crop circles as part of their art practice and for commercial clients.

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