Can you make a piece of paper sound like an elephant?

What you need:

  • An A4 size sheet of paper Scissors
  • Marker and ruler

What to do:

1. Divide the A4 sheet into four parts horizontally.

2. Cut along the lines so that you have four paper strips.

3. Now, take one of the strips and fold it in half.

4. At the centre of the fold, cut out two small triangles close to each other, but not touching.

5. Fold both the ends of the paper back on themselves. The flaps should measure about one centimeter.

6. Now, hold the flaps between two of your fingers and blow between them.

What happens:

Your paper shrieks like an elephant blowing its nose!


When you blow through the gap between the flaps, the air passes out on the other side through the triangles in the paper, but not before it makes the whole sheet in your hand vibrate. These vibrations give rise to sound waves and these sound waves are the shrieks you hear!

Picture Credit : Google


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