I am confused as to what to do?

I saw her first almost six years ago and had a crush instantly. My feelings for her were strong but I never could talk with her although I tried my best. We were in the same batch attending a programme for almost a year, so I got to see her almost every day. Eventually we went our separate ways. I figured it was just an infatuation so I didn’t give it much thought. Now coincidentally we are in the same college and even after so many years I still get the jitters whenever I see her. We were not friends as I never spoke to her so talking to her now seems like an even greater task to me than climbing Mt Everest! I don’t know whether to go to her or run away when she comes near me. My feelings for her seem to be even stronger now. The thing is then I knew that it was just an infatuation but now I have no idea what it is. I’m really confused as what to do and although all this may seem to you as just another “filmy tale of love”, I assure you it isn’t. Please advise.

Dear Sushant, you are really very confused about everything in this relationship. First of all you had an instant crush six years ago and then finally figured it was just an infatuation and did not give it much thought. You “were not friends as you never spoke to her”. Now, after many years, you met her again and your confusion continues: “I don’t know whether to go to her or run away” and “talking to her now seems like an even greater task them climbing Mt Everest”; you have no idea what is going on, except that you have some feelings for her. In this situation of uncertainty and confusion I advise you not to do anything and let her first expenses her  feelings for you if she has any.

Picture Credit: Google 

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