Energy drinks may change heart’s rhythm

Are you a fan of energy drinks? Well, a new study says they may increase blood pressure and disturb your heart’s natural rhythm. Researchers analyzed data from seven previously published studies to determine how consuming energy drinks might impact heart health. They examined the QT interval of 93 people who had just consumed one to three cans of energy drinks. The QT interval is a segment of the heart’s rhythm on an electrocardiogram; when prolonged, it can cause irregular heartbeats or sudden cardiac death.

They found that the interval was 10 milliseconds longer for those who had energy drinks. “Doctors are concerned if patients experience an additional 30 milliseconds in their QT interval from baseline,” said Sachin A. Shah, lead author from the University of the Pacific, California. “Everything is good in moderation. Drink them within the limits that have been provided and be vigilant of what else you’re consuming with it.”

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