Robots get their own internet

Six European research institutes have been collaborating on a project called RoboEarth, “worldwide web for robots”, that will allow robots to access a shared online database of each other’s software. The first phase of the project, Rapyuta: The RoboEarth Cloud Engine, is up and running. Rapyuta’s main purpose is to allow robots data-processing functions to be performed in the cloud. This means that the robots themselves won’t require as much on-board computational hardware, and will thus be lighter, less expensive and more robust.

Each robot using the service has its own secure cloud-based computing environment.   Using a wireless connection, the robot uploads data to that environment, where it’s processed at a rate that’s reportedly much faster than would be possible using robot-based hardware. The results are then downloaded back to the robot, which acts upon them.

Additionally, environments of different robots can be linked together, allowing them to work as a team. Each environment could also be linked to the RoboEarth knowledge repository, allowing robots to draw upon the system’s “collected wisdom” when necessary.

Picture Credit : Google 

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